Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 5

Day 5
Cortez, CO - Grand Canyon, AZ
Miles Driven: Approx 250 Miles.

The snow followed us! We woke up to this.

So fluffly, so wet.

That's cool, we're antiquing!

Lurv the jadeite. We bought the butter dish! (I know these are new reproductions, but that's why I can afford it and also I don't care.)

We had read that Four Corners was closed on the weekends and we were looking forward to taking a photo in front of the Closed sign, but it was open!

Even better!

 This however, was not open. Sad face.

 Then we drove toward Monument Valley. 

 Red earth! It's like a different planet.

Elephant Pheet!

As soon as we got to the pay station to enter Monument Valley, it looked like this:
Can barely see the car in front of us. HA! Forget it!
It's the trip, not the destination. Let's go to the Grand Canyon.

 Wait a minute. A dinosaur-themed roadside attraction? Yes please!

 I found one!

 No really, a dinosaur was here. That one time, a long time ago.

 What is it about clean remotes? Is this a new thing?

Oh, thank you Best Western! I'm so excited about my new paper towel! And thank you for placing it in between the sink and the soap, so that it gets wet before I can do anything really cool with it. 


  1. I just got caught up on your trip so far. Beautiful pictures! You have covered a lot of miles already! It is hard to believe you have snow where you are yet we have almost none here!

  2. You guys are so cute in every state. And I had no idea about all the dinosaurs in Arizona. No idea. . . emz
