Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Portland, OR

After a few days in Boise, I took the tiniest plane to Portland, OR to meet up with Papa & Maman and Susan and Dennis!

Susan and Dennis renovated their entire house and it is a studio / art-making heaven. 

With puppies!

We visited and browsed, 

We shopped, 

And hung out, 

And shopped some more! It was lovely.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Boise, ID

Took a little trip to Boise. It was time to hang out with Leah, finally.

Got to see Tilly,

And Rafferty,

And meet their new pets! This is Benjamin, the 12 week old kitten, 

And Julian, the sweetest pup.

Halloween!! Sock monkey with Willy Wonka and Violet Beauregard. 

I've been pretty cat-crazy lately. I think it's the want for a little soft being with a heart beat, close to me. I'm very allergic, but I couldn't resist the soft cuddles.

Napping on the bump.

Even though the trip was short, it was perfect. Got to be with Leah and sit around and talk, like we've been wanting to. Got to see some other people too, and remember friends from a past life. I knew them in the "before" and now they are with me in the "after."